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Department of Homeland Security/FEMA Active Shooter and Work Place Violence

Tombstone CCI will come to your corporation or work place to prepare your employees for active shooter and work place violence situations. We will coordinate with your security team and management to establish an effective security management plan to ensure the lives of your employees and patrons are protected.


Home Assessment

Tombstone CCI will come into your home and provide security and perimeter analysis of your property. The overall goal of the assessment is to prepare you and your family for an unfortunate event such as a home invasion or assault. We will establish an emergency plan with you and your family to ensure your lives are protected. Each family member will receive instruction on how to respond both individually and as a family to the crisis situation. Because each environment is different, our trained instructors will cater to your specific needs.


Corporate Security Assessment

Tombstone CCI will provide your corporation or business with a security assessment to protect your customers and employees. The overall goal of the assessment is to coordinate with your security staff and employees on how to respond to crisis situations. We will assess your current emergency plan of your facility as well as any security measures currently in place.

Emergency Response / Management Plans

Tombstone CCI can help you identify and complete a risk analysis of hazards within or could happen to you business, home, and church. TCCI can develop an Emergency Response / Management Plan that will protect your life, employees, and church member's lives. This plan will also help you see how to recover quicker from the identified hazards within this plan.


  1. May reduce the exposure to civil or criminal liability in the event of an incident
  2. Can enhance your credibility with your employees, congregations, and communities
  3. May reduce your insurance premiums and identify areas that are not covered
  4. Can reduce a lost and cost
  5. Could mean the difference between life and death
  6. To save lives and avoid injuries
  7. To safeguard property and records
  8. To promote a fast, effective reaction in coping with emergencies
  9. To restore conditions back to normal with minimal confusion as promptly as possible
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