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What is Your Objective?
Concealed Carry Classes
Learn How to Shoot
Defensive Tactics Skills
Home Protection
Advanced Level Classes
Online CCW Courses

Individual Instruction 103 Handgun Online Conceal Carry
Ohio Concealed Carry 103 Handgun Women CCW Clothing & Accessories
101 Basic Handgun 104 Handgun CCW Women Clothing & Accessories
101 Basic Handgun Women 101-103 Handgun Conceal Carry Scenarios
102 Handgun 101-103 Handgun Women Picking CCW Weapon
102 Handgun Women Advanced Concealed Carry  

Ohio Concealed Carry Classes

Time: 8 hrs.
Cost: $100

This concealed carry course includes instructions in: Eligibility and the application process, firearm safety, handguns and ammunition, pistolcraft, legal issues for concealed carry, use of force, logic, and mindset of concealed carry. Students will also go to a firing range and may shoot up to 100 rounds of ammo.

All classes start at 8:00 AM, students can bring their handguns into the classroom no ammunition is permitted in the classroom”. We will have all the materials that you need for class. If you do not have a gun we have handguns that you can use at no additional cost. Should you use one of our guns there will be an additional charge to you for the ammo used.


"If the weather is bad on any training day the two hour Live Fire part of the training will be held at an Indoor Range and the fees for range time is an additional $35.00."


We also provide refreshments, coffee, donuts, water and other snacks. You can bring a lunch or there is time to go out and get something. Class is very casual and a lot of fun. Hope to see you there.

**Individual or group CCW classes can also be scheduled Monday through Friday.**

Ammo Requirements: 100 rounds

Notes: Please wear long pants with pockets, closed toe shoes (no flip flops or sandals), and a crew neck (T-shirt) or button-up shirt (no low-cut neck lines).

Upcoming Classes or can be schedule to your timetable by emailing us at Tombstone@TombstoneCCI.com

The LIVE FIRE part of this course TRAINING will be held at an INDOOR RANGE and the fee for the Range Time is an additional $35.





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